Friday, 20 April 2012

An exercise to help boost self-esteem

Research shows that positive emotions help us to engage in new types of behaviours that can help break long standing patterns. On the other hand, studies show that negative emotions result in narrow, survival-based behaviours. One way to help reduce negative emotions is to be conscious of personal strengths. Here is a quick exercise that has been shown to help people reduce their focus on narrow, survival-based thinking and to help become more aware of the things that they are good at.

INSTRUCTIONS: Go through the following list and write out an example of when you used any of the following things. Going through the list, see if there are things that you notice are personal strengths that have. 

    1. Creativity (Originality, Ingenuity)
    2. Curiosity (Interest, Novelty-Seeking, Openness to Experience)
    3. Open-Mindedness (Judgment, Critical Thinking)
    4. Love of Learning
    5. Perspective (Wisdom) 
    1. Bravery (Valor)
    2. Persistence (Perseverance, Industriousness)
    3. Integrity (Authenticity, Honesty)
    4. Vitality (Zest, Enthusiasm, Vigor, Energy) 
    1. Love
    2. Kindness (Generosity, Nurturance, Care, Compassion, Altruistic Love, Niceness)
    3. Social Intelligence (Emotional Intelligence, Personal Intelligence) 
  1. STRENGTHS OF JUSTICE               
    1. Citizenship (Social Responsibility, Loyalty, Teamwork)
    2. Fairness
    3. Leadership 
    1. Forgiveness and Mercy
    2. Humility and Modesty
    3. Prudence
    4. Self-Regulation (Self-Control) 
    1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence (Awe, Wonder, Elevation)
    2. Gratitude
    3. Hope (Optimism, Future-Mindedness, Future Orientation)
    4. Humour (Playfulness)
    5. Spirituality (Religiousness, Faith, Purpose)
For example:
1a) A lot of people have said that I have a creative streak. I used to love painting and I was good at it when I was in high school. I am a fairly right-brained person and I can come up with creative solutions to problems that other people don't always see. 
1b) Curiosity. I guess I am a pretty curious person. I spend a lot of time reading about self-help and looking at self-improvement information on the web. I am curious about other people sometimes. 
1c) Open-mindedness: Well I am not always open-minded but I try to be non-judgmental most of the .... etc.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Web tool for sticking to your commitments

What is it?
StickK ( is a web-based tool to help you achieve your goals.

How does it work?
1. Log a goal on the website (eg: work up to running 5km over a month)
2. Select your incentive (eg: money you will pay yourself and lose to a charity if you don't succeed)
3. Choose someone to act as a referree to measure your progress
4. Add supportive friends who you can post to about how you are going

Free (unless you choose a cash incentive to pay yourself)

Why do it?
The website reports that there is research showing that people are more likely to achieve their goals when there are incentives (rewards or losses) or accountability (someone checking in on you).