Friday, 1 June 2012

Internet Treatments for Mental Health

The eCentreClinic (eCC) is a virtual clinic that provides treatment for a range of mental health concerns via the Internet. The eCC is about to start a large research trial looking at Internet treatments for depression, worry, social anxiety and panic. The results from their previous trials are very promising with around 60-80% of participants no longer meeting criteria for a psychological disorder by the end of the course. One of the courses  is due to START THIS MONDAY, JUNE 4th, 2012. If you are interested in enrolling, here is some more information:

What is it?
It is an online course where you log in and read an online slideshow. After reading the lesson you will receive a summary of the information as a PDF. There are five lessons over six weeks. 

How much is it?
The course is free. It's free because it is a research trial so the payment is your data. You can drop out at any time however, they ask that you complete a questionnaire before the course, at the end of the course and three months after it finishes. Each questionnaire takes about 30 minutes and some questionnaires are done over the phone. 

What would I need to do?
You would need to log in once a week and read the online lesson. The lesson suggests some homework exercises based on key skills that can help you to manage your symptoms (like anxiety or depression). The research shows that the more that you practice the skills, the better you will get. The amount that you practice is up to you but they suggest about an hour a week of practice. 

How do I enrol?
Go to Find 'Current Courses' in the middle of the page. Next to the Wellbeing Course, click on 'Read More'. Read the information and if you want to go ahead, click on 'Apply Now'. You will need to give your name, an email address and a phone number (Your information is kept confidential). After you complete a short questionnaire to see if you are suitable, they will give you a call to do a questionnaire over the phone with you and enrol you in the course.

If you aren't able to start this coming week, the eCC will be starting another trial in the next month. 

Many of you might know that I did my PhD with Macquarie University via this clinic. I don't get anything from them for sending people but I think that their courses are really good. The eCC spends a lot of time looking at research findings to figure out the most effective techniques for managing depression and anxiety. I highly recommend that you do this course if you are experiencing low mood, social anxiety, constant worry or panic attacks. 

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